Final presentation of Bachelor's thesis / Patrick Scheidegger

The week before last, the final presentation of the bachelor thesis with the topic "Development of a regulation and control unit for the operation of a high-temperature furnace for Neutron Imaging of varistors" by our student Patrick Scheidegger took place.

In his work, Patrick supported us in the development of a furnace for the investigation of the binder burnout of varistors, which are manufactured by the company Hitachi Energy. Patrick developed the regulation and control unit and assisted us in modifying the furnace for neutron imaging. The furnace is now permeable to neutrons, has been equipped with temperature sensors, has a feed-through for a high-precision balance and can rotate a varistor in the neutron beam. The control system allows us to run freely programmable temperature curves up to 600°C, to measure the sample weight precisely and to tomograph the varistor. At the end of his bachelor thesis, the final presentation took place last week. Patrick's supervisor from the FHNW, Prof. Dr. Jürg Keller, and Michael Hagemeister from Hitachi Energy were present at the presentation.


We would like to thank Patrick for his excellent support and wish him the best of luck in his future career.

Would you also like to write a bachelor thesis with us? Then feel free to contact us.