Clean rooms with process equipment
Clean rooms with process equipment
The nanotechnology cleanroom at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is a 170 m2 net clean area (hybrid class 10/ class 1'000), professionally designed and equipped state-of-the-art cleanroom lab. The „processing lab" at PSI is a semi-cleanroom of ca. 150 m2 with laminar flow boxes in the critical areas and a class 10’000 environment.
On the one hand the cleanrooms with the process equipment are used to specially prepared dedicated beamline optics for improving the efficiency of our analytical services using Neutron and Synchrotron radiations. On the other hand, we provide industries services using the process equipment as described below.
We are looking forward to working with you.
The following clean room equipment can be used:

3D Laser Writer
- 200 mm Direct Laser Writer
- Maskless Lithography

- 150 mm Mask Aligner
- 200 mm Mask Aligner
- Displacement Talbot Lithography

Electron Beam Lithography
- 150 mm Electron Beam Direct Writer

Dry and wet etching
- Deep Reactive Ion Etching
- Etching with acids and alkali

- Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
- Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
- Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD)
The way we work with you
Applied material analytics with Neutron and Synchrotron radiation &
tailor-made infrastructure
Data analysis and interpretation